Term of Service

Japan Boost Travel Terms of Use

These terms (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") define the conditions for using "Japan Boost Travel" (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"), which is provided by Payke Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), and apply to all users and those desiring to use the Service (both defined in Article 2). Users should read these Terms carefully before using the Service. Users who do not agree to these Terms cannot use the Service, and use of the Service will be deemed as agreement to these Terms.

Article 1    (Application)
1.    These terms aim to define the provision conditions of the Service and the rights and obligations relationship between the Company and the User concerning the use of the Service, and apply to all relations concerning the use of the Service between the User and the Company (regardless of the method of use, type of device such as PC, mobile, etc., and regardless of the type, such as website, smartphone application, platform, operating system, etc.).
2.    If the Company posts individual or additional provisions concerning the Service on the service usage screen or the Company's site (defined in the following article), or if the Company sends these individual or additional provisions to the User by email or similar, these individual additional provisions shall also constitute part of these terms, and in the event that the individual additional provisions conflict with these terms, the individual additional provisions shall take precedence.

Article 2    (Definitions)
In these Terms of Use, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
(1)    "Company Site": Refers to the website (https://japan-boost-travel.com/) through which the Service, operated by the Company, is provided.
(2)    "Prospective User": Refers to individuals who wish to use the Service.
(3)    "User": Refers to the general term for users of the Service.
(4)    "Content": Refers to all information that Users can access on the Service or the Company Site (including but not limited to text, images, videos, and other data).
(5)    "Intellectual Property Rights": Refers to all patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, design rights, copyrights (including the rights stipulated in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Law), and other intellectual property rights under the jurisdiction of any country, state, region, or legal domain (including the right to apply for them and to take any procedures for their registration, renewal, or extension, etc.).
(6)    Antisocial Forces": Refers to organized crime groups, members of such groups, individuals less than five years removed from such membership, quasi-members of such groups, entities related to organized crime groups, sokaiya (corporate extortionists), social movement/special intelligence violence groups, political activity extortion groups, and other groups or members thereof engaged in antisocial activities.
(7)    "Laws and Regulations": Refers to the general term for laws, ordinances, directives, rules, orders, regulations, guidelines, and other regulatory measures. 

Article 3    (Amendments to these Terms)
1.    The Company may amend these Terms in the following cases if deemed necessary by the Company:
(1)    When the amendment of the Terms is in the general interest of Users
(2)    When the amendment of the Terms does not contradict the purpose of the agreement and is considered reasonable when taking into account the necessity of the amendment, the reasonableness of the content after the amendment, the details of the amendment, and other circumstances related to the amendment
2.    In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall post on the Company Site or notify Users via electromagnetic methods such as email about the intent to change the Terms and the content of the Terms after the change and its effective date at least one week before the effective date of the amended Terms.
3.    In addition to the provisions in the preceding two paragraphs, the Company may amend these Terms by obtaining User consent in a manner determined by the Company.

Article 4    (Use of the Service)
1.    Prospective Users can use the Service by agreeing to comply with these Terms and providing certain information as defined by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "User Information") in a manner prescribed by the Company.
2.    Prospective Users shall not use the Service if they fall under any of the following items, and the Company may refuse its use without prior or subsequent notice if it determines that a Prospective User falls under any of the following items or is at risk of doing so. The Company is not obliged to disclose the reasons for such refusal.
(1)    In case of not satisfying this article or other usage requirements set by the Company
(2)    In case of falsehood, error, or omission in all or part of the User Information provided to the Company
(3)    In case of belonging or having belonged to antisocial forces, or having some sort of exchange or involvement with them
(4)    In case of having violated a contract or other agreements with the Company in the past, or having been refused or canceled the use of this Service or other services of the Company, or being related to such a person
(5)    In case of performing or being likely to perform actions that violate these Terms
(6)    In any other case where the Company deems the use inappropriate

Article 5    (Contents of the Service)
1.    The Service refers to a service in which the Company, on behalf of travel operators (hereinafter simply referred to as "Travel Operators") with whom the Company has entered into an agency contract, concludes contracts (hereinafter referred to as "Purchase Contracts") for the use/purchase of services/products that do not fall under the "Travel Business" as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Travel Business Law (Law No. 239 of 1952) (hereinafter referred to as "Travel Products, etc.") with Users, acting as an agent for the Travel Operators.
2.    The contents and conditions of the Travel Products, etc. are subject to the stipulations of the terms, conditions, and other condition documents separately provided or presented to the Users by the Travel Operators.
3.    The information posted on this site is provided by the Travel Operators, and the Company does not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, usefulness, reliability, etc. of the information.
4.    The content and conditions of the Travel Products, etc., posted on this site may differ from the conditions presented by other sites and travel agencies for products of the same content, and the Company does not guarantee that the conditions posted on this site are the most favorable for the Users.
5.    A Purchase Contract between the User and the Travel Operator is deemed to be established when the User applies for a reservation of Travel Products, etc., using the Service, and the Company sends a "Reservation Confirmation Email" containing a "Reservation Number" to the email address previously designated by the User.

Article 6    (Fees)
1.    The Company shall post the price (hereinafter referred to as "Fee") for the Travel Products, etc., purchased through the Service on this site.
2.    Users shall pay the Fee to the Travel Operators by either of the following methods. Note that depending on the Travel Products, etc., or the Travel Operator, only one of the payment methods may be available.
(1)    Method of paying directly to the Travel Operator at the time of issuing tickets, etc., related to the Travel Products, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Direct Payment").
(2)    Method of paying using a credit card or other payment methods designated by the Company on this site at the time of reservation of the Travel Products, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Credit Card, etc."). This method is referred to as "Advance Payment".
3.    The Credit Card, etc., that can be used by the User in Advance Payment must be in the User's own name, and the User shall not use someone else's Credit Card, etc., input false credit card information, etc., or engage in any other fraudulent acts.
4.    If the card company refuses to allow the use of the Credit Card, etc., used by the User in Advance Payment for any reason, or if the Company determines that there has been fraudulent activity as per the preceding paragraph, the Company may change the payment method, cancel the reservation, or take any other necessary measures without obtaining the consent of the User. In this case, even if damage is caused to the User, unless there is intent or negligence on the part of the Company, the Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever.
Article 7    (Changes and Cancellations of Reservations)
1.    If a user wishes to change or cancel a reservation made to a travel operator using the Service, they shall do so by using the Service or by directly contacting the travel operator to perform the change or cancellation procedures.
2.    When making changes or cancellations, users shall check the changeable date and time of reservation details indicated on this site and, in cases where they intend to change or cancel a reservation beyond the changeable date and time, they shall promptly proceed with the change or cancellation procedures after directly contacting the travel operator.
3.    If cancellation procedures are carried out based on the preceding paragraphs, the user shall pay the cancellation fee to the travel operator, in accordance with the cancellation policy posted by the travel operator on this site, and following the instructions of the travel operator. The same applies if the user does not use the travel products, etc., according to the reservation without performing the cancellation procedures based on the preceding paragraph.
4.    In the event that a change in fee arises due to a change of a reservation for which advance payment has been made, after performing change procedures by directly contacting the travel operator, the user shall pay the difference between the amount paid by advance payment and the new fee directly to the relevant travel operator, following the instructions of the travel operator.

Article 8    (User Obligations)
1.    Users shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and any other usage conditions of the Service separately established by the Company.
2.    Users guarantee the accuracy of user information and all other information provided to the Company.
3.    If there are any changes to the user information, users must promptly notify the Company of such changes in the manner prescribed by the Company.
4.    Users must manage and store their reservation number appropriately and at their own responsibility, and shall not allow third parties to use them, nor lend, transfer, change the name of, sell, etc., these items.
5.    Users shall provide the Company with information deemed necessary by the Company to provide the Service, upon request from the Company.
6.    Users shall in advance agree that the Company provides travel operators with user information for the fulfillment of purchase contracts, etc.